
Kingdom of Happiness

Kingdom of Happiness

Small yet beautiful, Bhutan is a Kingdom of contrasts, with a rich and fascinating heritage, embodied in almost every aspect of the Bhutanese life, landscape, flora, fauna and culture. A country that was not colonized, the Himalayan Kingdom maintained a policy of self isolation, with development works beginning only in the 1960s.

And this move bore fruits, as Bhutan realized that development is a double edged sword, one that created and destroyed. Thus began the cautious approach to development, bed-rocked on the policy of Gross National Happiness (GNH), where preservation found its foothold; the reason why Bhutan is a blend of the modern and medieval.

One of the remotest countries, Bhutan is today described as the Kingdom of Happiness and is one of the most sought after tourist destinations. Visit  this mystical land. We promise you a memorable experience.
